

 黄季焜   乡村振兴战略研究中心主任





       1980年09月-1984年07月: 农业经济和管理,学士,南京农业大学

       1987年07月-1990年10月: 农业经济,博士,菲律宾大学(UPLB)

       1990年10月-1992年10月: 消费经济,博士后,国际水稻研究所(IRRI, 菲律宾) 









      2015年12月-至今            :北京大学现代农学院教授,北京大学中国农业政策研究中心名誉主任,北京大学新农村发展研究院院长



      2021年06月-至今            :北京大学现代农业研究院,资深研究员

      2024年04月-至今            :北京大学现代农学院院长



· 发展中国家科学院(TWAS)院士,2013年

· 国际农业经济学家协会(IAAE)终生荣誉会士,2015年(1973年设立该奖至今,全球共有67位学者获此荣誉,中国学者2位)

· 农业和应用经济学会(AAEA)会士,2016年(至今亚洲有4位学者获AAEA fellow荣誉,其中中国1位)

· 菲律宾大学(UPLB)百年校庆杰出校友奖2019

· 国际水稻研究所(IRRI)成立五十周年杰出校友奖,2010年(IRRI成立50年中获此荣誉的有五位科学家)

· 菲律宾大学(UPLB)经济管理领域杰出校友奖2008年


· 中国测绘地理信息学会科技进步二等奖(2015):土地利用变化的多尺度预测与未来情景制  图的关键技术及应用

· 陕西省科学技术三等奖(2013): 贫困地区农村中学生辍学问题探索及政策建议

· 农业部中华农业科技三等奖(2007):粮食与食物安全早期预警系统研究

· 农业部科技进步二等奖(1999):中国农业科技投资政策研究

· 农业部科技进步二等奖(1996):迈向21世纪的中国粮食

· 浙江省科技进步三等奖(1996):良种种子供应的保障

· 农业部优秀成果三等奖 (1991):中国水稻种植区划


· 孙冶方经济科学奖:中国粮食供给需求和贸易预测(1997)

· 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金(1998)

· 第四届“中国青年科学家奖”提名奖(1998)

· 国家自然科学基金优秀群体学术带头人(2001)

· 第五届“中国青年科学家奖”获奖者(2002)

· 中共组织部、人事部、中央宣传部、教育部、中央统站部、科学技术部共同授予的留学回国人员成就奖(2003)

· 第三届“管理学杰出贡献奖”2008


· 北京大学抗击新冠疫情先进个人表彰(2021)

· 国务院扶贫办“全国扶贫开发先进集体”称号(2011)

· 国务院政府特殊津贴(2005)

· 全国优秀农业科技工作者(1999)

· 国家机关优秀青年(1998)

· 农业部 “中青年有突出贡献专家” 称号(1997)

· 中国农科院首批跨世纪学科带头人(1997)

· 中国农科院“十佳青年”(1997)

· 中国农科院“十佳文明职工”(1997)




长期从事粮食安全、资源环境政策、农业农村发展政策和农业工程管理研究,是国家基金委首批创新群体“农业可持续发展决策支持系统”项目的负责人、国家“973”项目“气候变化的社会经济影响”研究的首席科学家,他坚持理论联系实际,在促进农业可持续发展的生物技术管理、粮食安全保障和农业资源环境工程管理等领域及其优化整合形成的决策支持系统,取得突出成就。历年来给中办/国办提交了80多份政策报告,其中50多份政策建议报告得到中央领导批示,为国家在制定相关政策上提供了参考作用。至今他已在Science、Nature和经济管理等领域的国内外期刊发表590多篇论文,截止2021年初基于Google Scholar总引32254次。至今已培养硕士、博士和博士后80多名,其中多位获国家自科基金委杰青与优青资助和教育部长江学者特聘教授与青年学者。2015年起Elsevier发布的“经济,经济计量学和金融”领域的中国高被引学者名单,他多次名列榜单前沿或榜首。


      1. Huang, Jikun, Lynnette M. Neufeld, Ousmane Badiane, Patrick Caron and Lisa S. Forsse, 2022. Equitable livelihoods must underpin food systems transformation, Nature Food, Vol. 3, June 2022: 394-396.

     2. Kang, Nannan, Lingling Hou, Jikun Huang*, Huifang Liu, 2022. Ecosystem Services Valuation in China: A Meta-analysis, Science of The Total Environment. 21 Oct(2022): 151122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151122

      3. Chen, Qiu, Jikun Huang, Alisher Mirzabaev, 2022. Does fuel price subsidy work? Household energy transition under imperfect labor market in rural China, Energy Economics, 107 (2022) 105845.

      4. Liu, Huifang, Lingling Hou, Nannan Kang, Zhibiao Nan, Jikun Huang*, 2022. A meta-regression analysis of the economic value of grassland ecosystem services in China, Ecological Indicators, 138 (2022) 108793.

      5. Lin, Wensheng, Jikun Huang*, 2021. Impacts of Agricultural Incentive Policies on Land Rental Prices: New Evidence from China, Food Policy, 2021.10, 104 (2021): 11-102125.

      6. Li, Li, Ruocheng Hu, Jikun Huang, Matthias Bürgi, Ziyun Zhu, Jia Zhong and Zhi Lü, 2020. A farmland biodiversity strategy is needed for China, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Vol. 4, No.6 (2020): 772-774.                 

     7. Sheng, Yu, Yuhan Zhao, Qian Zhang, Wanlu Dong, Jikun Huang*, 2022. Boosting rural labor off-farm employment through urban expansion in China, World Development, 151 (2022) 105727.

      8. Hou, Lingling, Fang Xia, Qihui Chen, Jikun Huang, Yong He, Nathan Rose, Scott Rozelle, 2021. Grassland Ecological Compensation Policy in China: Improves Grassland Quality and Increases Herders' Income, Nature Communications, (2021) 12:4683. | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24942-8.

     9. Sheng, Yu, Jiping Ding, Jikun Huang*, 2019. The Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity in Agriculture: Evidence from Maize Production in Northern China, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2019. 101(3): 790-806.  

     10. Huang, Jikun, Ke Zhou, Wei Zhang, Xiangzheng Deng, Wopke van der Werf, Yanhui Lu, Kongming Wu, Mark Rosegrant, 2018. Uncovering the Economic Value of Natural Enemies and True Costs of Chemical Insecticides to Cotton Farmers in China, Environmental Research Letters, 2018. 13: 064027.

     11. Huang, Jikun, Pengfei Shi. Regional Rural and Structural Transformations and Farmer's  Income in the Past Four Decades in China, China Agricultural Economic Review, 2021, 13(2): 278-301.    

     12. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Xinkai Zhu, Shiji Zhao, Yu Sheng, 2020. Agricultural and Rural Development in China during the Past Four Decades: An Introduction, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2020, 64(1): 1-13.  

     13. Hu, Yuanning, Jikun Huang*, Lingling Hou. 2019. Impacts of the Grassland Ecological Compensation Policy on Household Livestock Production in China: An Empirical Study in Inner Mongolia, Ecological Economics, 2019, 161: 248-256.

     14. Zhang, Wei, Yanhui Lu, Wopke Werf van der, Jikun Huang, Feng Wu, Ke Zhou et al. 2018. County-level Analysis of the Effects of Land Use, Bt Cotton, and Weather on Cotton Pests in China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115: E7700-E7709.

     15. Huang, Jikun, Guolei Yang, 2017. Understanding Recent Challenges and New Food Policy in China, Global Food Security, 2017, 12: 119-126.

     16. Huang, Jikun, Shukun Wang, Zhihua Xiao, 2017. Rising Herbicide Use and Its Driving Forces in China, European Journal of Development Research, 2017, 29(3): 614-627.

     17. Huang, Jikun, Jiping Ding. 2016. Institutional Innovation and Policy Support to Facilitate Small-Scale Farming Transformation in China, Agricultural Economics, 47: 227–237.

     18. Huang, Jikun, Yangjie Wang, Jinxia Wang, 2015. Farmers’ Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events through Farm Management and Its Impacts on the Mean and Risk of Rice Yield in China, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97: 602-617.

     19. Deiningger, Klaus, Songqing Jin, Fand Xia, Jikun Huang, 2014. Moving Off the Farm: Land Institutions to Facilitate Structural Transformation and Agricultural Productivity Growth in China, World Development, 59:505-520.

     20. Huang, Jikun, Ruijian Chen, Fangbin Qiao, Honghua Su, and Kongming Wu, Does expression of Bt toxin matter in farmer's pesticide use? Plant Biotechnology Journal, 12(2014): 399–401.

     21. Liu, Elaine, Jikun Huang. 2013. Risk Preferences and Pesticide Use by Cotton Farmers in China, Journal of Development Economics, 103: 202-215.

     22. Hu, Ruifa Hu, Xiaobing Wang, Jikun Huang and Jinyang Cai. 2013. Patents and China’s Research and Development in Agricultural BiotechnologyNature Biotechnology, Vol. 31 No. 11(2013): 986-988.

     23. Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang, Siwa Msangi, Scott Rozelle, Alfons Weersink. 2012. Biofuels and the Poor: Global Impact Pathways of Biofuels on Agricultural Markets, Food Policy, 37: 439-451

     24. Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelle and Carl Pray. 2005. Insect-Resistant GM Rice in Farmer Fields: Assessing Productivity and Health Effects in China, Science, 308: 688-690.

     25. Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Hans van Meijl, Frank van Tongeren. 2004. Biotechnology Boosts to Crop Productivity in China: Trade and Welfare Implications, Journal of Development Economics, 75: 27-54.

     26. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Carl Pray, Qinfang Wang. 2002 Plant Biotechnology in China, Science, 295:674-677.

     27. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Carl Pray. 2002. Enhancing the Crops to Feed the Poor, Nature, 418: 678-684.

     28. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle. 1996. Technological Change: The Re-Discovery of the Engine of Productivity Growth in China's Rural Economy, Journal of Development Economics, 49: 337-369.

     29. Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 1995. Environmental Stress and Grain Yields in China, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77 (1995): 853-864.

     30. Huang, Jikun, Cristina c. David, and Bart Duff. 1991. Rice in Asia: Is It Becoming    An Inferior Good? Comment, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73 (1991): 515-521.



CAPSiM是一个部门均衡模型, 该模型系统由13大类子模型系统组成, 具有较强的综合性、系统性、多功能性以及理论和实证基础,模型先后被原农业部《金农工程》、转基因重大专项和全球变化-973等项目、联合国FAO、国际农业科技评估组织(IAAKSTD)、越南和巴西等研究机构采用。





二十国集团(G20)轮值主席国印度尼西亚2022二十国集团智库(T20)专家组成员,第4工作组(TF4) ”食品安全与可持续农业”联合协调人(Co-chairs),2022
















亚洲农业经济学家协会 (ASAE) 会长(2017-2022)





Co-editor, China Agricultural Economic Review

Associate-Editor, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development

Associate Editor, World Food Policy

Editor-in-Chief for Column in Agri. Econ., Journal of Integrated Agriculture

Member of Advisory Board, Agricultural Economics

Member of Editorial Board, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

Member of Editorial Board, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Member of Advisory Board, China Economic Journal

Member of Advisory Editors, Rangeland Journal

Member of Advisory Editors, China Economic Review

Member of Editorial Board, Frontiers of Engineering Management

Member of Editorial Board, Agribusiness: An International Journal

Member of Advisory Board, Asian Biotechnology and Development Review

Member of Editorial Board, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

Member of Editorial Board, the Frontiers of Economics in China

Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Resources and Ecology

